هنرمند: Leonardo Da Vinci
سبک: High Renaissance
موضوعات: Portraits
تاریخ: 1496
موزه: Czartoryski Museum (Kraków, Poland)
تکنیک: Oil
Portrait of Cecilia Galleran is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci, from around 1489–1490. The subject of the portrait is identified as Cecilia Gallerani, and was probably painted at a time when she was the mistress of Lodovico Sforza, Duke of Milan and Leonardo was in the service of the Duke. The painting is one of only four female portraits painted by Leonardo, the others being the Mona Lisa, the portrait of Ginevra de' Benci and La belle ferronnière. It is displayed by the Czartoryski Museum, Kraków, Poland and is cited in the museum's guide as the first truly modern portrait. When exhibited in The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, it was described as "signal[ling] a breakthrough in the art of psychological portraiture". Now in the collection of Czartoryski Museum, Kraków.
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