هنرمند: Lord Frederic Leighton
سبک: Academicism
موضوعات: Girls
تاریخ: 1895
اندازه: 121 x 121 cm
موزه: Museo de Arte de Ponce (France)
تکنیک: Oil;Oil On Canvas
It is the last and in some ways the most abstract of his many attempts to evoke a story, or conjure a mood, through the depiction of a solitary female figure. Flaming June was painted from life, although the identity of the model who sat to Leighton for the picture remained a mystery until as recently as the 1930s. Flaming June is a quintessential example of the genre: the dream of a woman dreaming, set in a heat-struck Mediterranean fantasia that is itself the dream of a past that never was.
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