هنرمند: Vincent Van Gogh
موضوعات: Fish Beach Boats Beaches
تاریخ: 1888
اندازه: 65 x 82 cm
موزه: Van Gogh Museum (Netherlands)
تکنیک: Oil On Canvas
Arles was not far from the Mediterranean. At the beginning of June 1888 Vincent visited the fishing village of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer where, in a matter of days, he produced two seascapes, a view of the village and nine drawings. He wrote to Theo about one of the seascapes: “I made the drawing of the boats when I left very early in the morning, and I am now working on a painting based on it, a size 30 canvas with more sea and sky on the right. It was before the boats hastened out; I had watched them every morning, but as they leave very early I didn’t have time to paint them.”
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