אמן: Nicolas Poussin
סִגְנוֹן: Classicism
נושאים: Arts Autumn Landscape Mountains Fruits Landscape
תַאֲרִיך: 1664
גודל: 118 x 160 cm
טֶכנִיקָה: Oil On Canvas
The Four Seasons is the last set of four oil canvases painted by Poussin between the years of 1660 and 1664, for the son of the Cardinal Richelieu, Duc de Richelieu. They were created during Poussin’s last years of life, during which he suffered hand tremors, which made the execution of the paintings slow and painful, turning Poussin into a virtual recluse. The images in the paintings reflect a philosophical interpretation of the outside world, depicting the power and might of nature. As well as the four seasons, they also revolve through the four times of day: early morning, midday, evening, and moonlight. All four paintings (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) currently reside in the Louvre Museum in Paris, where they enjoy their own room.
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