Ugarte De Zubiarrain, Ricardo

Ugarte De Zubiarrain, Ricardo;Ricardo Ugarte De Zubiarrain

Lugar: Pasajes

Nascido: 1942


Ricardo Ugarte de Zubiarrain is a Spanish sculptor, painter, and poet. He was born on August 6, 1942, in Pasajes, Spain. Ugarte studied at the Escuela de Artes y Oficios de San Sebastián and later at the Academia Camps. He has participated in various exhibitions and has won several awards for his work, including the First Prize in the I Bienal Internacional de Escultura de San Sebastián in 1969 and the Premio Nacional de Escultura Villa de Madrid in 1986. Ugarte's work often explores themes of the sea and its significance in human culture.

Ugarte De Zubiarrain, Ricardo – Obras de arte mais vistos