Gustave Caillebotte

Gustave Caillebotte

štýl: Impressionism;

miesto: Paris

narodený: 1848

smrť: 1894


Early Life and Education

Gustave Caillebotte

, a French painter, was born on August 19, 1848, in Paris to an upper-class family. His father, Martial Caillebotte, was the inheritor of the family's military textile business and also served as a judge at the Seine department's Tribunal de commerce. Gustave's early interest in photography as an art form would later influence his painting style.

Artistic Career

Gustave earned a law degree in 1868 and a license to practice law in 1870, but his true passion lay in the arts. He began visiting the studio of painter Léon Bonnat, where he studied painting seriously. Caillebotte's style, characterized by its realism, was influenced by his Impressionist associates, including Edgar Degas and Giuseppe de Nittis.

Notable Works and Style

- **Les raboteurs de parquet (The Floor Scrapers) (1875)**: This early masterpiece, now at the Musée d'Orsay, showcases Caillebotte's unique blend of realism and Impressionist influences. - **View of Rooftops (Snow) (Vue de toits (Effet de neige)) (1878)**: Demonstrates his use of high vantage points, a technique possibly influenced by Japanese prints and photography.

Legacy and Influence

- Caillebotte's style, while part of the School of Realism, was strongly influenced by his Impressionist peers. - His works, such as Boulevard Seen from Above (Boulevard vu d'en haut) (1880), showcase a unique blend of realism and Impressionist techniques.

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Gustave Caillebotte – Najsledovanejšie umelecké diela