Phong cách: Post-Impressionism; Abstract Expressionism; Cubism;
Địa điểm: Khorgom
Sinh ra: 1904
Cái chết: 1948
Tiểu sử:
Arshile Gorky (/ˌɑːrʃiːl ˈɡɔːrkiː/ born Vostanik Manoug Adoian, Armenian: Ոստանիկ Մանուկ Ատոյեան April 15, 1904 – July 21, 1948) was an Armenian-American painter, who had a seminal influence on Abstract Expressionism. He spent most his life as a national of the United States. Along with Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning, Gorky has ...
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