Nghệ sĩ: Giotto Di Bondone
Phong cách: Proto Renaissance
ngày: 1306
kích thước: 200 x 185 cm
Kỹ thuật: Frescoes
This is a portion of the cycle of frescoes in the Arena Chapel, which is one of Giotto’s most renowned works. The scene depicts adorers greeting the baby Jesus, employing Giotto’s techniques such as the draping of cloth and the emotion on the faces of the figures in the scene, as well as the use of three-dimensional techniques, helping the viewers place themselves in the scene. One of the most interesting components of this fresco is the Star of Bethelehem in the form of a comet shooting through the sky. It is thought that Giotto was inspired to paint this Star in this form due to a 1301 viewing of Halley’s Comet.
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