Nghệ sĩ: Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio Da Urbino)
Phong cách: Renaissance
Kỹ thuật: Oil
St. Michael and Satan (1518) is a painting by the Italian High Renaissance painter Raphael. It is a large-scale (268 cm × 160 cm) and mature version of a subject he had earlier treated in the youthful miniature St. Michael. Both works are located in the Louvre in Paris. Raphael first visited the subject of Michael at the behest of Guidobaldo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino. The miniature was completed in 1504 or 1505 on the back of a draughtboard, possibly commissioned to express appreciation to Louis XII of France for conferring the Order of Saint Michael on Francesco Maria I della Rovere, Urbino's nephew and heir. A little more than a decade after completing the little St. Michael, Raphael was commissioned to revisit the theme, producing St. Michael Vanquishing Satan for Pope Leo X.
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