Nghệ sĩ: Rembrandt Van Rijn
Phong cách: Dutch Golden Age
Kỹ thuật: Oil
Danaë is a life-sized depiction of the character Danaë from Greek mythology, the mother of Perseus. She is presumably depicted as welcoming Zeus, who impregnated her in the form of a shower of gold. Given that this is one of Rembrandt's most magnificent paintings, it is not out of the question that he cherished it, but it also may have been difficult to sell because of its eight-by-ten-foot size. Although the artist's wife Saskia was the original model for Danaë, Rembrandt later changed the figure's face to that of his mistress Geertje Dircx. On June 15, 1985 the painting was attacked by a man later judged insane; he threw sulfuric acid on the canvas and cut it twice with his knife. The restoration of the painting was accomplished between 1985 and 1997.
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