Diederik Baron van Leyden van Vlaardingen (1695-1764). Burgomaster of Leiden, with his Wife Sophia Dina de Rovere and their Sons Pieter, Jan en Adriaan Pompejus, Willem van Mieris, 1728 – (Willem Van Mieris) Trước Kế tiếp

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ngày: 1728

kích thước: 88 x 95 cm

Kỹ thuật: Oil On Canvas

Family portrait of Diederik baron van Leyden van Vlaardingen with his wife Sophia Dina de Rovere and their three sons Pieter, Jan and Adriaan Pompejus. The family is in an interior with on the left a table on which some books lie, Jan plays with a dog. On the floor is a bouquet of flowers. In the background a garden vase with a river god, on the right a view to the garden. The print collection of Pieter Cornelis van Leyden was purchased by King Louis Napoleon in 1806 and forms the basis for the collection of the Rijksprintenkabinet.

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