The Absinthe Drinker – (Edgar Degas) Trước Kế tiếp

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Phong cách: Impressionism

chủ đề: Food

ngày: 1876

kích thước: 92 x 68 cm

viện bảo tàng: Musée d'Orsay (Paris, France)

Kỹ thuật: Oil On Canvas

A Masterpiece of Impressionism

The Absinthe Drinker

, painted in 1876 by French artist Edgar Degas, is a remarkable piece of art that showcases the essence of Impressionism. This painting, also known as Dans un Café or A sketch of a French Café, depicts two figures sitting side-by-side in a café, drinking absinthe. The man, wearing a hat, looks to the right off the edge of the canvas while the woman stares vacantly downward.

A Tale of Loneliness and Decadence

The painting portrays a sense of loneliness and decadence that was prevalent in Paris during the rapid growth stage. The couple appears lethargic, lost in their own thoughts, and disconnected from each other. The glass of absinthe before them symbolizes the increasing social isolation and the nervous fear of decadent ways reaching the shores of Britain.

Critical Reception

At its first showing in 1876, The Absinthe Drinker was panned by critics who called it ugly and disgusting. However, over time, the painting has gained recognition for its unique style and depiction of a significant social issue. Today, it is considered a masterpiece of Impressionism and a must-see at Musée d'Orsay in Paris.

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Now you can bring this masterpiece to your home with our stunning canvas prints or oil-painted replicas available on Our high-quality reproductions are perfect for adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to your living space.

Visit Musée d'Orsay

Musée d'Orsay is located in Paris, France, and houses an impressive collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist masterpieces. To learn more about the museum's hours, location, and ticket prices, visit their official website at Musée d'Orsay.

Discover More Masterpieces on

At, we offer a wide range of canvas prints and oil-painted replicas from famous artists such as Edgar Degas, Gustave Moreau, and Jean-François Raffaelli. Browse through our extensive collection and order your favorite artworks today!


• L'Absinthe - Wikipedia
• The Absinthe Drinker, 1876 - Edgar Degas -
• Absinthe, Edgar Degas: Analysis, Interpretation
• Green Fairy: The symbol of liberté
• Musée d'Orsay discussion of the painting

This artwork is in the public domain.

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